The Two Second Trick to Turn Every Day into a Spa Day

lavender and eucalyptus essential oil for spa shower

Who wishes they could go to the spa every day to relax? πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ What if I told you it’s super easy to bring the spa directly to you? Adding a drop of each of these oils to your shower floor totally transforms the experience and is the most amazing way to unwind from your day. 🚿

As a Mom, it can be extra hard to find time for yourself, and I love that essential oils allow me to easily sneak in multiple ways to support my mind, body and spirit throughout the day. πŸ™ŒπŸ» I’m an evening shower-er as I like to wash away the energy from the day before I go to sleep, so Lavender and Eucalyptus are my go-tos, but if you’re a morning shower-er, you can swap this combo for Peppermint and Wild Orange for a more energizing spa experience.

Self-care is simpler than you think, and essential oils are an easy but powerful way to support you in so many ways.πŸ§–β€β™€οΈ I created a free guide to share my favorite daily rituals just like this one. Download your copy now, and let me know which one is your favorite!